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The Internet has been touted as a global forum covering thousands of topics including telemeeting. What it lacks in human contact it makes up for in pages.
The major search engines have indexed tens of thousands of telemeeting websites. All of these sites have people behind them but how can you determine whether one site is better than another. We believe we have found the very best telemeeting sites and the links appears here:
Abundant as it is in written materials the Net is also, fortunately, a place where you can chat online with other people interested in telemeeting. There are lots of telemeeting chat related sites on the Net.
People passionate about telemeeting can meet online and exchange information in real time with each other. If you have ever attended a telemeeting convention then you will know how valuable these live exchanges can be.
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Need information on Medical Presentations via the Internet?
Follow our links for some of the best information you can possibly find. You will find CME, CPE, and peer to peer.
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Research data about telemeeting is often cited by general-interest publications like USA Today and network newscasts. You don't need a Fortune 500 sized budget to undertake a newsworthy study, or to receive coverage for it, either to your industry or the general public. But you do not know that the telemeeting is the perfect fit for you with all of the data available.
When conducting research on telemeeting quite often I will discover something that sets me on fire. That's what happened when I discovered these telemeeting websites and that is the purpose of our site - to share this with our visitors. and build relationships without the benefit of seeing, hearing or touching those we associate with.
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