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If you are finding it difficult to get the information you want on kieser, it may be because the webmaster who has written the page did not use an appropriate meta tag. The subject that you are looking for is listed by the search engine according to the relevance of the particular subject to the web page.
If the site is a kieser website then the webmaster needs to design it properly. To make it easier for the search engine to evaluate the page the site should have kieser listed in a key-word meta tab. This in important so the search engine can determine the importance of kieser in the website.
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Indexing is a complicated procedure with weightings depending on HTML constructs, the number of times kieser is in the page and many other factors. While some webmasters try to fool the search engines to get a high ranking, the robots have become so sophisticated that stuffing a page with kieser will not be indexed in all likelihood.
Some parse the META tag, or other special hidden tags looking for kieser. We hope that as the Web evolves more facilities becomes available to efficiently associate meta data such as indexing information with a document that is truly about kieser. This is being worked on. But you can rest assured the links on the side of this page will give you the exact information you need.
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